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What’s hot in Milan right now, ma to-do-list de Fashion Week dans le ELLE

Un nouvel article publié aujourd’hui sur le site du ELLE Ukraine à l’occasion de la Fashion Week de Milan qui démarre demain. J’ai compilé quelques nouvelles adresses pour ma petite chronique mensuelle. Il existe également ce guide complet! Bonne lecture.
Milano Fashion week is around the corner and we need a A-List spots to survive this critical but exciting period of time. Need a manicure between 2 shows? You have to know Vanessa. Business lunch with the trendiest designer? Don’t mess it up and book a table where every editor dreams to eat a pasta. Streetstyle serie to shoot? Invest the newest places in town. Let’s go girl!


A caffè macchiato with Prada
For breakfast, go to Pasticceria Marchesi new café in via monte Napoleone (Prada group bought the historical café In 2014 and opened this second address). You’ll love the brioche – the best in town- and the decor between noble marble and green velvet. In Fondazione Prada, Film director Web Anderson imagined the concept of this retro and aesthetic bar called Luce. With its sweet colours, old flippers and judebox, you’ll enjoy a break in a calm (but fashionable) atmosphere.
Marchesi Pasticceria : Via Monte Napoleone, 9, Milan
Fundazione Prada : Largo Isarco 2, Milan


Nails and cocktail at Bahama Mama
This nail bar can easily be described as paradise for women. Indeed, you can get a perfect manicure while drinking a green tea or finding the perfect Moschino vintage jacket. They are nothing but to adore in this warm place where Fornasetti’s plates are hang on the wall next to a TV showing a Richard Gere movie. Perfect, we told you.

Via Col di Lana 1, Milan

Bahama mamma


Ralph Lauren exclusive Club, “Palazzo”
A 12,000-square-foot neoclassic palazzo dedicated to provide a unique and exclusive experience for Ralph’s Vip clients. The happy few enjoy shopping suites, tailoring service and a beautiful outdoor terrace. Want to be a member? Us too.
via San Barnaba 27, Milan
A view of the Milan Palazzo.Il palazzo 2
The Stage by Replay
In the neighbourhood of Porta Nuova where a new skyline is growing, Replay opened in Piazza Gae Aulenti a new bar and restaurant called The Stage. In a wooden décor that looks like a luxury yacht, crave for modern Milanese cuisine. Close your eye, you could be New York! A new address that mix food, design & fashion and confirm that brand must develop a lifestyle.
4, Piazza Gae Aulenti, Milan
The Stage The Stage 2


Aesop by Dimore Studio
When the most wanted designers in Italy are working with one the most efficient beauty brand of the moment, can you imagine the result? Discover the new corso magenta Aesop boutique by Dimore Studio and enjoy the Fabulous face oil presented in dolce green and yellow furniture.
Corso Magenta, Via Meravigli 18, Milan


Charming hotel in the countryside 
You want to avoid the packed center of Milan and focus on your writing after seeing 15 shows per day? With antique tapestry, rare vintage pieces, wooden bar and gold-effect headboard, enjoy the tranquillity of Borgo Nuovo hotel and its awesome design.
via san bernardo, 36, 20139 milan /
borgo nuovo hotel 2 credit AD Magazine borgo nuovo hotel


The essential by Lucio Vanotti
Lucio’s quest of simplicity could solve a lot of our style problems. The designer from Bergamo was chosen my Armani to be the new talent to showcase at Armani/Teatro this season. We could use a lot more of his asymmetric coat and architectural approach to reduce our wardrobe to the essential.
Showroom Via Melzo, 9, Milan
lucio vanottiPresentation-Vanotti-SS16-A4-Woman36

Par Ali

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